Where can Ferroperm™ Piezoceramics materials be used?

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Visit our dedicated materials page for a more thorough introduction to our selection.

This chart will help you to choose the right material for your application. For most applications, more than one material is feasible, so customers are always welcome to ask for our expert advice.

Pz21Pz24Pz26Pz27Pz29Pz34Pz36Pz37 Pz39Pz46Pz52 Pz54Pz59Pz89Pz94
Underwater and Defense
Transmitters (High Power)
Recievers, Hydrophones
Generator (Fuze)
Diagnostic (Imaging, IVUS)
Therapeutic (HIFU/HITU, Surgery, Dental)
Combined, Doppler
Implantable Devices
Non-Destructive Testing
Transducers (Flow, Level)
Sensors (Shock, Acceleration)
Acoustic Emission
Actuators (Positioning, Valves, Inkjet)
High Power Ultrasound
High voltage
High Temperature

Applications for Ferroperm™ Piezoceramics materials

Our piezoceramic materials are used in these five primary markets: